Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Plaza Rendering Skillz

Just a rendering of plaza we designed for a client. Really just playing with how to do vegetation

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Homes and Furniture

We can really pick a title, can't we?

It's been a while, but the book/brochure is finally ready. Finding and correcting spelling and grammar errors was a major issue. We also futzed with some of the layouts. All while finding time to do real billable work. Go figure.

We plan on using the book for marketing purposes as a "leave behind". It's the perfect size and shape to not fit in any file or shelf, so it will be left out on desks, coffee tables, in bathroom stalls, and under uneven chair legs. After that its up to serendipity.

If you'd like a preview, you can find it at http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/611137

If you are a crazy fan, and so far we have no evidence to suggest you are, you can also purchase it. It has that certain this-is-graphic-design-not-literature vibe that thrills lazy middle class intellectuals. You know, our kind of people.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The strength to do what needs to be done.

Pictures from a new book we put together for marketing. You can either go to blurb.com and buy it, or print out the hi-rez pictures we have here and staple it together ghetto style.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Plaiding ain't nothing but over-lay

The above diagram shows the relationship of two grids developed to control the openings in the East Elevation of Fire Station 11. The yellow and orange represent the doors and the windows associated with them. The light and dark blue represent independent window openings.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Things Become Complex Quickly

Below is a diagram of a wall section from a simple building. The the width of the wall has been exaggerated by a factor of two. As can be seen, the wall section is quite complex with multiple connections between unlike materials in both the vertical and horizontal positions. The diagram is a warning against pushing to much energy into a design to early in the process. Complexity and richness will develop as a part of the process.
