Thursday, December 11, 2008

FFL Seson Re-Cap -Teams

Below is every teams final roster. To the right of each player is there typical score over 14 games. Some players scores will be surprisingly low because they missed a lot of games. If a players name is highlighted red it means that players typical score failed to crack the top 250.

Bill Green's team is rendered in Steelier black and gold. too bad his team didn't live up to that standard.

Cheese's team is orange, for no apparent reason.

As the person who put this pointless report together, I claim beautiful old gold.

Greg Bates team is colored Caucasian beige.

It's Honolulu blue for Ian's team. Matt Millen is Jealous of you Ian.

Adam's team is rendered in Georgia State Blue. Here's to the 2016 Car Quest Bowl!

Iowa Pink for Chris Hall. Just trying to get in his head one last time before the semis.

Nitnay Blue circa 2005 for Mikey.
Eagle Green for Chris Long

Redskin garnet and gold for Robby.

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