Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Voices In My Head Are Now Talking Back!

I just received my first comment from someone who is not my wife, and that person claimed to be Jim Manzi!!! For those of you who are not regular readers, and evidently I now have regular readers, if you include my Jim and my wife, I quoted Jim Manzi in a post I published earlier today.

Apparently the Jim Manzi, of "an applied artificial intelligence software company", and a contributing editor to The National Review reads my Blog. Who knew? And he read a really long boring post. He must love Yellow Jacket Football and poorly rendered 3-D models as much as I do! We also share an almost crippling inability to spell.

Whoever it was, he/she is right, Manzi doesn't mention "vouchers", and was suggesting that some other vehicle for choice should be incorporated into the public school system as part of an overall plan to reinvigorate public education.

I apologize for misrepresenting Manzi's argument, but it should be considered when discussing how to improve public schools that there is a mechanisms for choice that already exist in the current system, and money and students are flowing to the better schools.

I'm now going to go home and pull out all my teeth so that Jim Manzi will no longer be able to broadcast directly into my head via the tiny speaker and antenna installed during my last dentist visit. New dental hygienist my butt. Then I'm going to hack into all my friends computers to insure this isn't a prank. Wait a second, lets reverse the order. Check with friends first, then pull teeth.

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